Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year, A New clichéd.


I just recently looked at my stats and found out people from the US and people from Europe like reading blogs from Australia. So HELLO! (And please don't be shy and follow me blog) I plan to migrate to London soon once I'm finish Uni, save enough money...blah blah know how it goes.

2010 has got to be the bestest and worst year for me...I would elaborate but that would take aions to complete...well maybe a few dedicated hours. ANYWHO...

And yes Followers, I have deleted previous blogs because I thought they were too emo. Although part of having a blog is saying what's on your mind right? But I'm moving on. 2011 is my year. I feel it.

What's new with Joshiepoo?

Well uni last year was...meh...I had gotten into the degree I wanted when I finshed high school, (Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience) but when 2010 finished, I had like an epiphany and realised it's not what I really wanted. So this year I have applied for a Design in Architecture degree instead! No, I did not just bluntly make this decision...thought about it for a long time after semester finished, talked to ALOT of people, did my research, entered a deep zen thinking state to think about it again, then applied for it...results are released Jan 14? So wish me luck. I'm really keen on this one. And Followers (aka people I know) you know!

Relationship-wise? Well, what's always boggled me is what a 'relationship' really is...actually no, there's different meanings. Relationships with family, friends, intimate ones, workmates, etc. So I guess you can say I'm in a relationship with a lot of people. Right now, I'm really questioning the definition of a "best'" friend...I thought I had one, but now I think I'm fooling myself, I mean a quality I look for in a best friend relationship is someone you can confide in when no one else can and enjoy each other's presence...hmmm, right now..I'm not feeling it...especially from this person. HENCE, I have turned to new friends and old friendships and rekindled them. And I'm telling you, things have been getting better. Offcourse, I have yet to settle things with this person...and that time will come soon enough. And uhhh...relationship-wise as in love-interest??

That's another story on its own...SURPRISE SURPRISE!

Well, alot of people are turning 21 this year. Including me. I'm kinda excited actually. My mum has been planning most of it. You know how mums are. She's so cute when she's telling me what she's been finding and organising. God I love her. But I shall save my thoughts on 21 on another post!

Now to share a song...I've been listening to CAKE recently. This one makes me feel quite manly for some reason...perhaps its the manly echoes during the verses. Epic song. Remember it from the iPod ads?

TRUE STORY: I Googled "Beyoncé" just so that I can get the "clichéd" in the blog title to look cool with the special "é".

Thursday, July 1, 2010


On Tuesday there was Karaoke night in the city! The place was called "LIVE Karaoke" down along Liverpool St. Unfortunately, a particular someone got lost and went into another karaoke place and sang with the wrong people...

(Please don't bash me)

Ok. Confession.

I LOVE KARAOKE! Although my friends already know that...
It's awesome.

We had room. It was nothing like this but, yeah you get the idea...


You're in GOOD COMPANY and NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU SING, NO ONE CARES because we're all there to HAVE FUN. And thankfully, there was people along George St handing out FREE RED BULL SHOTS.
All you had to do was answer their stupid question "What is one benefit of Red Bull?" "It gives you wings?" BINGO! Free Red Bull shot for me! That got me going for the rest of the night.

Then the bus ride home with my best friend. I swear all the funny stuff happens when it's only us two...

Potluck Restaurant?

On Monday night there was a Potluck dinner. Now I had no idea what that meant...

I thought there was a restaurant called "Potluck" but it was at a friends house, so I was thinking..."Their house is a restaurant?"

Luckily I asked my mother and she told me that it was where we had to bring a plate to dinner...

This is what I brought. It's a traditional Filipino dish called "Tocino". It's sweet and tender. People always come back for seconds...


Some of my closer friends were there, we all had different food to offer. Just felt like an ordinary dinner with them. There was conversation, laughter, a bit of photos, the usual...

The point of it was to introduce one my friend's brother coming from the U.S...but to be honest, the "introductions" weren't so formally made so I had to introduce myself - AFTER dinner and when we were leaving. Talk about awkward...

I didn't know Americans were so into Peanut Butter though. I had peanut butter M&Ms. Peanut butter cupcake-candy things...Ok, that's all I can remember...

We looked forward listening to Glee's rendition of 'Pokerface' once we got in my car.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Conte Partiro!

As I said. I work on Sundays. But usually I get dropped off by my mother in the morning before she heads off to mass then picks me up later after her errands.

Although yesterday, I had the luxury of having the car for the day. Which is quite rare because she almost always needs it on the weekends.
Which means, I drive myself to work with the music full blast. And after work I get to drive wherever I want...

Coincidently enough, my best friend, Gerald, was going to help his Canadian friend, Arianne, move out of her house at Bondi all the way to Glebe and unluckily his parents needed the car for the day. I'm guessing you know what happens next.

-Skipping obvious sequence of events-

After we helped her move, we decided to eat at a very cozy, ambient and mellow Italian restaurant as we were famished from working all day. Looking at the menu outside kept us warm from the freezing temperatures...

I had the traditional I missed it so...

...our Arianne had the Veal Parmigiana...

...and Gerald had the Italian lamb, although I couldn't find an image that matches it exactly. It looked heaps mouth-watery than this though...

It was a beautiful night. The ambient candles set a relaxing mood. Had good conversation. We were well fed. Had a few good laughs. And we played the piano. Even the chefs were applauding us.

*Andrea Bocelli's Conte Partiro plays in the background*

"Is this a greek restaurant?"
"...Conte Partiro is playing"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Customers, I love 'em. Most of them.

I work on weekends.

Saturday 9-5pm and Sunday 10-5pm. The money is good. I need it.

A social life is expensive. I pay part of the house bills. I'm also putting aside money for World Youth Day in Spain next year and a tour around Europe with my best friend. And food.

Tossa de Mar, Spain. A magical place for a moondance...

After working in retail for more than 2 years, it just feels like a waste of time sometimes. I should be thankful, I know. It's just being harassed by customers for 8 hours is not fun after awhile.

Although there are different customers, and I'm going to elaborate because it's fun
  • The ones that know what they want, buy it and leave. No questions, no hassles, no haggling, buy what you offer them. Love 'em. Then there's the complete opposite ones. Hate 'em.
  • The ignorant ones who ask you a tonne of questions and think you're ignorant also because you don't answer everything. Although, there are nice ones who genuinely don't know and ask you nicely and understand you have a life outside of your job.
  • The one's that say "just looking" or "just browsing"...*shifty eyes*
  • There are the patient and the impatient. Then there's the GOOD LOOKING, UNDERSTANDING and PATIENT ONES. It sucks because we're under-staffed and I get the "F*** you for not serving me" stare sometimes...
  • The cheap customers who want discounts over $10 cables or deals with 2 cheap items. GTFO.
  • The foreigners buying universal adaptors. Don't get me started on accents. Love the European ones. There's Asians everywhere in Eastern Suburbs. They don't count. Except Filipinos. Best Asians ever.
  • The loyal ones and the pretending-to-be-a-loyal-customer-so-you-can-give-me-a-discount. It does not work. GTFO or buy me a LED TV.
  • The families. Cute ones. ADHD ones. Happy ones. Impatient ones. Spoilt ones. Modern ones.
  • The pensioners. Nuff said.
  • The know-it-alls who actually know more than you do with certain products. Don't test me to make you feel more superior, I will hi-five you in the face. Just ask me where it is you're looking for and I will point you in the right direction. You're welcome.
  • And then there are those special customers, who you actually get along with and after serving them you want to get to know them. It's weird because you connect while you ask them questions about their lifestyle to find out what suits their needs, you converse, you joke, flirt a little and then you ask "Cheque, Savings or Credit?" and never see them again...sigh. But when you do it's like "Hey HEY!"
There are probably more, but these are the ones that I remember most. I have work later again today.

OH and I pretty much had a relaxed-geeky evening. I was playing this for a good four hours.


Lately I've been talking to myself when I'm alone, not in a crazy way. Like random mumbling? Okay, that is a bit crazy but it somewhat helps me get through the day...although maybe it's just been these stupid exams, they've got me all socially awkward.

Studying alone sucks. Convenient walking distance to the fridge from my bedroom sucks. Metabolism I love you.

My last exam was today at 9.30am, Applied Statistical Methods, nuff' said. Thought it would be easy. Nah it wasn't, failed it most likely. They decided to add an extra hour of pointless mathematics. Heard of "matrices"? Yeah, the matrix, I'd take the blue pill out of that subject anyday. Meh, I'm just glad it's finished.

Lesson learnt for next semester? Stu

I was on the bus home and there was this baby with his mum standing on her knees while she sat. Curious beings. They always stare at you blankly, then smile at you. I smiled back....i miss not having a worry in the world...

Tonight was awesome. Had a small reunion with some of my primary school friends. It's been too long. A good conversation is just what I needed at the end of the day. It's always such a sight to see what's changed about them, what's the same. It seemed like only yesterday I was eating lunch with them, playing pokemon or worrying about we're like best friends again. Gonna have a little catch up again soon, can't wait...

That's all from me for's 2am and I have work later on. Night.